


Miny molecules fell light like lightening from her cupped hands, only, I noticed them and without thinking, began to ask questions.
Her, the stranger, held her withered skin out to show him, and I, We, continued to eat our ramen and edamame with slight disdain. Then, she parted her lips, and
her guts began to cover the floor with filth. After hours of quiet tidying to keep everything neat, it'd be a mess, yet again.
Her, the stranger, distraught, preformed for us by the making of a bed she would later lie in.
Grizzly Man mumbled at us, majestic and true to a form he was certain he belonged to.  I could not decide which way to place my gaze,
this whole evening had been erie, 
I had an ex alcoholic mad man screaming from a collapsed tent, an ex meth addict holding my hand and a suicidal HER ripping up the floorboards while screeching.

The scene was like finding the feet of a dead body and being thankful you didn't find the face, first.

"why do i dream so often

 of his body when
 his body will decay
 his flesh will be fluorescent grey"

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